Расширения микрофреймворка Slim:
This repository contains custom views for your Slim Framework applications. Custom views let you easily use popular third-party templating frameworks, like Twig or Smarty, with your Slim Framework application.
Smarty, Twig, Mustache, Haml, Haanga, Blitz, Dwoo, Sugar, Savant, Rain, H2o
The primary goal of Aura is to provide high-quality, well-tested, standards-compliant, decoupled libraries that can be used in any codebase. This means you can use as much or as little of the project as you like.
! PHP >= 5.4
в бета-версии!!!
Moor is a URL Routing/Linking/Controller library for PHP 5. It performs 2 actions very well: routing URLs to callbacks and generating URLs for callbacks.
While an understanding of MVC will help your grasp Moor's role in your application, Moor is not an MVC framework. It's a library that only helps with routing, linking, and organizing your controller logic. Use your favorite ORM for your Models and your favorite templating system for your Views. If you don't need or want these pieces, write cool stuff without them.
в бета-версии!!!
Не совсем микро-фреймворк, скорее некоторое собрание библиотек под задачи. Описание:
"You will find Flourish useful if you need to write code that is any of the following:
Promoted security best-practices
Consistent and easy to understand
Needs to model simple or complex databases, especially existing schemas
Works with international data
Can perform accurate math calculations
Easily manipulates images
Able to run on different databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MSSQL, Oracle, DB2)
Can be used on closed-source projects
Needs to run on different versions of PHP
Needs an architecture other than MVC
Plays nicely with other libraries and frameworks"